 The truth about backlinks building Strategy

The truth about backlinks building Strategy

The truth about backlinks building Strategy |Backlinks Building
Backlinks is one of the main factors in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As long as the existence of Search engines, e.g. Google, then search engine Back links has always had an important role in the strategy of building quality Back links to increase rank of a website in the search engines, even back links is a way to improve SEO, importantly also the effectiveness of the back links themselves very influential various factors, for example: Source Back link, number of back links, anchor text and more.

Based on the existing experience, the number of back links can’t guarantee the ranking of a website in the search engines especially Google. In fact, the tell many Back links in an article for the website will lead to websites such issues, for example the position of a drastic slump in website search engine, could even experience denied or delete from the list of search results in search engines.

This article will try to explain a little about how to build back links the right strategy that is often done by the bloggers. Learn from the experience of others and also some other sources are then tried in a website at manage it. The result is variatif, a few websites a good experience increased gradually, and most other experienced a very significant increase in rank.

Strategies to Build Back links


In a period of time ago, making the position a website for specific keywords generally use the exact same anchor text with the keyword in the heading (exact match) as much as the number. But the days of Google and Google Panda Penguin, this way is not in demand because the website will make thus became a serious problem.

The following information is the presentation of the Anchor Text that is highly recommended for any back links are:

1. Exact Match: 0 – 15% (example: sell cars cheap, trendy men peaking, cheap SEO services, online business instant, and others)
2. Link URL : 30% - 80% (example: w..tractorsid.com, w...jowhnsn.com, w...okdsid.com, and others )

3. Brand: 10%-80% (example: yahoo, Google, casks, etc.
4. Random: 30%-80% (example: Please click on this link, visit our official website, go to this website, and others.

For the presentation of the figures above do not have to like it, this is just a mere illustration, can be set in accordance with the tastes of each of the owner website. To be sure, the Backlines in use we recommend that you made with anchor text variatif.


The bloggers and marketers are also not concerned with the source of back links comes from anywhere, that matters could get back links. If you are one of those people that think like that, then you should immediately change the way such point of view, since the relevance of an influential source of back links to quality back links that we build on our website. An example is a website with topics about Bonsais Internet Marketing, should be better if the back links in can come from websites that have the same topic or still relevant with Business Internet Marketing topics.

If the content around the link is very influential on the quality of those links, for example Sabbath article that discusses the business of sports shoes on a website that the topic about the sport, and then all of a sudden there are some links on in that article to the other website articles page discuss about food, of course this is not a good way of making a quality backlines in our website.

The following Illustration Presentation Back links your website/content from other sites that relate to:

 Website: 40%-80% (example: an online business Website to the Link about SEO)
 Content: 70%-90% (example: content about making websites to websites about business online)


Variations of this source of back links are very important to be aware of, when you build quality Back links at our website. A website will generally get a good when ranking the website get links from a wide variety of types of websites than when the links come from one type of websites only.

You can build linked from a variety of sources such as: WEB 2.0 PDF Sharing, Social Media sites (such as Face book, Twitter, Tumbler, Google Plus), Blog roll, there sberbagi pictures, forum soscial bookmarking, etc. More and more of the variations of the source of back links to your website then you will look more natural.


Many of the bloggers and internet marketers who underestimate the links No follow and do follow back links only give to their website. Fact is very much all websites that have good rank in SERP after given backlinks from Nofollow. Indeed Nofollow links will not donate to PR (Page rank) a website, but still will give you Link Juice.

Presentation of the number of back links No follow for a Website recommended are:
• 10%-40%


Internet Protocol (IP) Address is a unique computer on the network the Internet or base analogical a home address of our stay, house numbers, number, zip code, and area. Internet Protocol (IP) in Indonesia for example 103.322, 104.232.534.0 and322.0... It is a case in point. C Blocks is the number 322 and 534 (numbers in bold ( a number C Blocks).

Back links from websites with IP and C Blocks of different very well if compared with the Back links from websites and C IP Blocks are the same, the meaning is the host of a website that links to the website you are coming from I and c block Breda. For example, Web 2.0 such as Blogger.com, Wordpress.com, URTumblr.com, URBlog.com, and others. So, if you have several website where the hosting comes from one host, you should take heart in miming links to each Lenya.


Back links should at some point to pages within a website, don't just provide the link eke Homepage only. Some bloggers may be too focus gives back link to the homepage, but it is better if appropriate back links in point to other pages (inner pages) in website.

Presentation of the number of back links to your home page and Inner Pages are recommended:
 Home Page: 20%-50%
 Inner Pages: 50%-80%


Build back links on a website or a blog would be better carried out in stages to make it more visible. Trying to compare which is more Natural, 2000 back links built in just one day ago there is no back link on the next day, day or 2000 back links built within 6 months or about 25 links per day gradually, you would already know the answer ...So a quality Back link Building it with the amount too much and within a short period will result in a search engine might result in your website will experience a drastic decline in traffic and bad your website can be banned by Google.

OK, so information on truth give strategy to build back links the batik, and there are some things that are important, and we see in building quality back links at our business website. There may still be some things missed, but at least a way way abovemany proved successful providing a positive impact for the website we build, if there is an extra input or other about the strategies to build back links, please share it via the comment form below. Thank you you have been reading this article post. Good luck.


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