Using Magic Article Submitter Step-By-Step Info

Using Magic Article Submitter Step-By-Step Info

Using Magic Article Submitter Step-By-Step Info
Writing and submitting articles is a popular course to promote an internet site. However, it can take a long time, so that the use of section submitter and section rewriter to automate the process is the biggest key in this process. Magic Article Submitter is a piece of software that is available for download at any time on its official website, for the small cost of $57!

Magic Article Submitter comes with its own Windows installer, which attains the installation process trouble-free. One of the best features is that it installs a shortcut in the Startup folder and starts every time Windows starts, but if you are not comfy with that, you are able to modify the determines at any time, plus the shortcut is easy to move to a regular home in the Programs menu.

When the program starts for the first time, you start to fill your personal information. Simply the user info and a resource box are allowed at the first step and when "you’re starting" submitting articles to various areas, you don't have to fill or change the information every time. The resource box is practically more restricted in sizing, between 25 and 75 words.

After that, you have to add your section in the text containers for name, section text, and keywords. However, no advanced features of term processing is available here and no spelling checker, because these are available in Magic Article Rewriter.

Then you click "Next" and the section submitter get you to a page, where in front of your eyes, your section is automatically be presented to 700 and even more section directories, in less than 10 minutes! The program has a function to update the list of areas and if now they are 700, soon they will become over a thousand! You can also add areas to the list manually.

After submitting to all these section directories, Magic Article Submission will show you a report for your submission! And here goes the real place! If you are curious about the affectivity of the application, you are able to simply go to those section directories that publish articles without editorial review and you may be even astonished to be said that your unique is already published and maybe even had several guests in a matter of minutes! Therefore, generating traffic with Magic Article Submitter is virtually instant and 100% guaranteed to give you the best answers!


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